What is RNCP in France?

Qualifications registered with the RNCP ensure that the skills and knowledge required to carry out a particular profession are included as part of a study programme.

What is RNCP in France?


RNCP stands for Répertoire National des Certifications Professionnelles, which is the French National Directory of Professional Certifications.

The directory contains all the programmes and qualifications that have been awarded RNCP certification. This is granted for a period of up to five years by France Compétences, the national governing body for vocational training and apprenticeships. Qualifications registered with the RNCP ensure that the skills and knowledge required to carry out a particular profession are acquired as part of a study programme, and that the jobs and sectors of activity available to the learner are clearly identified.

The RNCP is governed by Article L. 6113-1 of the Labour Code of Law No. 2018-771 of 5th September 2018 and, since 1st January 2019, it has been administered by France Compétences. This administrative body contributes to the formal recognition of qualifications and professional credentials, thereby facilitating employment prospectsHR management and professional mobilityFrance Compétences also plays an important role in the further evolution of the training offer by contributing to the development of professional certifications and qualifications. 

The list of programmes registered with the RNCP is regularly updatedRegistering a qualification, a professional certification or a vocational diploma with the RNCP means that the person who obtains it benefits from a State-certified qualification that is not only recognised throughout France but also across Europe. 

The certifications registered with the RNCP are arranged by level of qualification and by field of activity. 


French decree no. 2019-14 of 8th January 2019 introduced a revised national framework which defines the levels of qualification according to acquired knowledge and skills, unlike the 1969 classification system which was based solely on national education qualifications. The new system is based on the 2011 International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) established by UNESCO and the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) of the European Union.

The national framework of professional certifications defines eight levels of qualification: Level 1 relates to mastering the fundamental knowledge to be able to exercise a profession whereas Level 2 is the first level of ‘mastering’ the skills necessary to carry out a profession. The other levels are set out as follows:


Revised qualification levels

Qualification types

Former qualification levels

Level 3

CAP (national vocational qualification)

Level V

Level 4

High School qualification

Level IV

Level 5 

BTS or BUT (vocational or technology degree – 2 years of post-High School education)

Level III

Level 6

Bachelor-level degree (3 years of post-High School education)

Level II

Level 7

Master, MBA (5 years of post-High School education)

Level I

Level 8

Doctorate/PhD, DBA

Level I



Each RNCP record comprises a description of the certifications and qualifications with several different sections:

  • Title
  • The body responsible for the qualification (e.g. a school, an institute, etc.)
  • Level and field of activity
  • An outline of job description and skills acquired
  • The sectors of activity and types of jobs accessible to the person holding the qualification, professional certification or diploma
  • The ROME code (Répertoire Opérationnel des Métiers & Emplois – Operational Directory of Trades and Jobs): important for finding out about job opportunities related to the qualification, professional certification or diploma
  • Terms for obtaining the certification (description of the certification elements and skill sets)
  • Terms governing eligibility for the certification (after a continuing education course, as part of a professional training contract, validation of learning/skills, etc.)
  • Legal framework: reference number of Decrees and Orders published in the Official Journal

On the basis of the information contained in the RNCP record, it is possible to ascertain whether or not a chosen study programme is relevant to an intended occupation/career. 


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